Executing on solar projects is challenging enough. Finding well-qualified talent should not be.
Recruiting SHINE graduates ensures that you are gaining employees that have invested time and resources to acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for solar project installations.
Recruit SHINE Graduates
SHINE students go through a rigorous program designed specifically for entry-level solar installation positions.
SHINE's Solar Ready 101 Program
Qualifications Received
SHINE Photovoltaic Systems Installer Credential
OSHA 10 Certification
Solar Specific Safety
Learning Lab
Students also spend ample time in our outdoor learning lab doing hands-on installations. The learning lab component of our Solar Ready 101 Program is designed to give students an immersive experience in installing solar under real-life conditions so that graduates gain the skills to succeed on a job site.
Solar Specific Safety
The program enables students to recognize and mitigate safety hazards that are found on many solar project sites. It also reinforces the attributes of a 'culture of safety' and the reliance on a team-oriented approach to ensure the highest standards of safety are practiced at all times.
If you are currently recruiting for entry-level solar installation positions in Virginia, SHINE can help you staff up your positions in a number of ways:

SHINE can set up times for you to visit our learning lab at Southside Virginia Community College (SVCC) and speak to current students about your company and hiring needs.
The information sessions provide your company with an opportunity to engage with SHINE students, answer their questions, and generate interest in joining your team.

SHINE Employer Pledge
Each SHINE partner has pledged to do their part to provide sustainable pathways to solar careers. agreeing to make a best effort to:
Invest Time to Review and Incorporate HR Practices that Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Interview SHINE graduates
Provide a wage premium to SHINE graduates
Share HR best practices with the SHINE community
The SHINE Employer Pledge is one of the first of its kind in the solar industry and is an integral part of SHINE’s commitment to maximizing economic and social benefits of solar projects for Virginians.